Welcome to Shanxi Tengxing Sensing Technology Co., Ltd
telephone 0086-0351-5249552


Smart home

With the change of people's lifestyle, high-end smart home appliances have become the key performance of pursuing high-end quality of life. High-end smart home appliances are emerging one after another. Smart TVs, smart refrigerators, and smart washing machines have been widely used by consumers. The newly launched smart air purifier has become the focus of the home appliance industry. The intelligent air purifier can not only maintain indoor air safety, but also eliminate formaldehyde, benzene, PM2.5, dust mites and other pollutants, and realize the desire of consumers to pursue high-end quality of life. Conventional purifiers have been cleaning the air for the presence of harmful substances. Modern purifiers are equipped with sensors that adjust the operating conditions of the purifier according to the air quality, thus saving energy and making more efficient use of the filter element.


Applications of TZH04:

Air cleaner, Fresh air system, Air freshener, Air-conditioning system, Smoke alarm, Civil and commercial air conditioning


Advantages of TZH04:

Easy to use;

Long-term stability;

High sensitivity;

The interface output modes are varied and consistent;

Easy installation and maintenance;

Modular design;



Applications of TZJ06:

Portable instrument, Air quality monitoring equipment, Air conditioning

Smart home equipment, Air purifier, Fresh air system

Advantages of TZJ06:

Safe to use

Accurate data

Low power consumption

Good consistency

Real-time response

The minimum resolution particle diameter is 0.3 μm
